1951 UNIVAC, the world's first
commercially produced electronic digital computer, is dedicated by the US Census
1952 "Have Mercy Baby" by The Dominoes reaches #1 on the Billboard R&B Charts.
1954 President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a bill into law that puts the words,
"under God," into the Pledge of Allegiance.
1961 Patsy Cline is hospitalized as a result of a head-on car collision. While
in the hospital, her song, "I Fall To Pieces," becomes a big country and pop
crossover hit.
1965 The Beatles release their album, "Beatles VI."
1975 "Sister Golden Hair" by America reaches #1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
1975 "Rockin' Chair" by Gwen McCrae reaches #1 on the Billboard R&B Charts.
The 1950s was an exciting time to live. Crime was low, children could freely play outside, Elvis was rocking and rolling and kids were going "steady." Here are just a few fun facts about the golden age of the 1950s.
Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president in 1953.
Gas cost only 20 cents gallon.
The color television set was introduced.
Smokey the Bear becomes a household name.
1954, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that it is unconstitutional to have racial segregation in public schools.
Disneyland opens up in California in 1955.
Otis Elevator installs the first self-service elevator in Dallas.
Silly Putty was introduced to the world.
1959 Alaska &
Hawaii become the 49th and 50th states to join the United States of America.
Pogo sticks and hula-hoops were popular toys in the 50's.
1955, on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama, a brave woman by the name of Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat.
1950, "Peanuts" and the Charlie Brown character is born.
Dr. Jonas Salk develops a vaccine for polio. The first modern credit card was introduced.
The 1950s were credited with doing the first organ transplant.
Fun Facts
In 1950 ....
A House cost: $14,500
Average income: $3,216
Ford car: $1339-$2262
Admiral "home entertainment" TV system: $549.50
12" records: $4.85
10" records: $2.85
Milk: .82 cents
Gas: .20 cents
Bread .14 cents
Postage stamp: .03 cents
Sirloin steak: $.77 lb
In 1951
3,823,000 babies were born, and life expectancy was 68.4 years.
For the month of October we have the following birthdays:
10/02 Sting
10/03 Dave Winfield
10/05 Karen Allen
10/07 John "Cougar" Mellencamp
10/08 Johnny Ramone
10/13 John Ford Coley
10/18 Pam Dawber 10/18 Terry McMillan 10/20 Alan Greenwood 10/23 Michael
Rupert 10/30 Harry Hamlin In
1951 .... A
House: $16,000 Average income: $3,515 Ford car: $1424-$2253 Milk: .92 cents Gas:
.20 cents Bread .16 cents Postage stamp: .03 cents 14 oz. can of Hershey’s
Syrup: .17 cents Sliced Bacon: .63 cents per lb Coca Cola, 6 bottles: .37 cents
The ventriloquist dummy for Jerry Mahoney : $14.95